4.3 Determining the Scope of the OH&S Management System [ISO 45001]

Determining Scope For ISO 45001

The scope of registration and certification will need to reflect precisely and clearly the activities covered by your organization's OH&S Management System; any exclusion to non-applicable requirements of the standards should be documented and justified in the Management System. No single business-related activity should exist outside of the scope.


Different organizations look at their registrations differently; some organizations prefer to have multiple business units or locations on a single certificate. You can register one location in an organization or you can register the entire organization.

You can even, theoretically, register one part of an individual facility. You should address this issue in your registration scope statement. You should discuss the scope of registration very early in your contact with the registrar, prior to or during the selection process.

Look for confirmation that your organization has determined the boundaries and applicability of the OH&S Management System to establish its scope with reference to any external and internal issues referred to in 4.1 and the requirements of relevant interested parties referred to in 4.2.

Who Should Set the OH&S Scope?

Top Management should accurately set the scope of your OH&S management system as per the ISO 45001 requirements.


OH&S Scope - What Should you Include?

The scope of your OH&S Management System may include the whole of the organization, specific and identified functions within the organization, specific sections of the organization, or one or more functions across a group of organizations.

1. Has your organization determined the boundaries and applicability of the OH&S Management System to establish its scope?

2. Has your organization effectively considered the following prior to determining the scope of the OH&S Management System?

3. Has your organization effectively considered the extent of its control and influence, context, external and internal issues, compliance obligations, physical and functional boundaries, activities, products and services?

4. Has your organization made its scope available to all interested parties as documented information? A statement from your organization that the scope can be provided upon request may be accepted as objective evidence.

Check that this has been done in consideration of your organization’s context and your products. Check that legacy issues which limited scope and omitted activities do not affect product conformity. Check that they are recorded and that the rationale for the exclusion is stated and justified.

Make the Scope Available

The scope of your organisation’s OH&S Management System should be made available as a PDF download (easily distributed on your website or by email) along with a copy of your ISO 45001 Certificate.

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Updated: 23rd February 2022
Author: Richard Keen

Richard Keen

Richard Keen

Richard is our Compliance Director, responsible for content & product development.
But most importantly he is ISO's biggest fanboy and a true evangelist of the standards.
Learn more about Richard

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